Welcome Project is born in 2014 in Berlin by an idea of Chiara Rossini. Its name is due to her personal experience as emigrated, but also to a particular idea of theatre: Theatre is another world, governed by others rules, a space where not ordinary things can happen. Nevertheless the idea of the Project was also inspired by a movie: Welcome is a film of Philip
Loiret. It tells the story of a clandestine that tries to overpass the English Channel by swimming because he wants to join his lover.
Welcome project will join together a group of actors and dancers who coming from all over Europe and lives in Berlin. The first productive project will be Intime Fremde. The performance, entirely produced by Teatro del Lemming, will debut in 2015.

see the project website


THE 5 SENSES OF THE ACTOR - theatre class
To be a guide, the actor has to improve his skills of LISTENING / ADAPTATION 7 DIALOGUE. The work of Lemming's actors develops these three principle simultaneously in four directions: towards himself, towards his partners, in the space, towards the spectator. The main instrument of this research is the body. The sense/the senses of the body.
In this type of theatrical work, the body isn't a prothesis of the mind, but is fullness, it is something naked that permits the nakedness of the aim and the truth of the encounter with other aims and other bodies.
For us the five senses of the actor are an invocation to the fullness of life and a way to reach the beyond of theatre and the creative skills of the actor.

The class is open to a maximum of 23 participants.

Starting on 25th February: Wednesdays 6 - 9pm at TATWERK Berlin, Gewerbehof Hasenheide 9 - 10967 Berlin

REGISTRATIONS: please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

An immersion in the 5 senses method from 16th to 18th April at TATWERK Berlin space. The workshop will be too a space of reflection and a research about the next productive project INTIME FREMDE.

RAGISTRATIONS AND INFO: please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ODISSEO Travel in theatre
from 24th to 26th April, Theater Forum Kreuzber.



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