The Actor

What remains when everything perish is the essence of the things as they are.
When there isn't a place to came back turn to the face in front of you,
look upon the world.

James Hillman, The Thought of the Heart and the Soul of the World


The experimental theatre implies an original and personal work on the art of the actor. For us, this work denies the egoic and narcissistic dimension that often reduce the actor as a guitto che si pavoneggia per un ora sulla scena e di cui poi non si sa più nulla, rather is a work that makes the actor, also in its etymological meaning, a guide - he who lead the spectator to that elsewhere that has always been the place of the theatre.


Experimental theatre is all that theatre pursuing:

- the autonomy of scenic language from a written play;
- the redefinition of the scenic space;
- the reformulation of the role and the gaze of the spectator;
- an original pedagogy of the actor;
- a link that connects the actors to the project of the company;
- a process and working times that permits to practice a real research.

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