Sabato 28 novembre, ore 18.30
Letture e conversazioni poetiche
l'incontro è realizzato in collaborazione con Il Ponte del Sale - associazione per la poesia e ristorante Corte Vecchia di Polesella (RO).
16 novembre, ore 21.00
(Andiamo in giro la notte e siamo consumati dal fuoco)
Domenica 1 novembre, ore 18,30
letture e conversazioni poetiche
l’incontro è realizzato in collaborazione con Il Ponte del Sale - associazione per la poesia e ristorante Corte Vecchia di Polesella (RO).
21, 22 e 23 ottbre, ore 21.00
un altro pezzo dedicato a Elfriede Jelinek
Teatro Comunale, 1 dicembre ore 20.45
lettere dal mondo liquido
in replica per le Scuole Superiori la mattina del 2 dicembre
con Chiara Elisa Rossini. Fiorella Tommasini, Diana Ferrantini, Katia Raguso, Maria Grazia Bardascino, Alessandro Sanmartin e Alessio Papa
regia Chiara Elisa Rossini e Massimo Munaro
Nel suo nucleo essenziale la vicenda di GIULIETTA E ROMEO, propone il conflitto fra individuo e potere, alla base, seppure in altro modo, anche del nostro precedente AMLETO. Qui però è il conflitto fra due famiglie rivali, i Capuleti e i Montecchi, a soffocare l'amore nati sotto contraria stella.
Non ci interessava raccontare, una volta di più, la loro celeberrima storia, quanto interrogarci, attraverso di loro, sul nostro tempo presente. Dove si colloca allora il mito di Giulietta e Romeo in questa società in cui anche l'amore sembra aver perso la sua forza titanica, ed è divenuto precario come tutte le cose del mondo? Chi sono Giulietta e Romeo per noi? C'è qualcosa per cui, anche noi oggi, saremmo disposti a sacrificare tutto?
Condizioni generali di servizio
Siti, domini e sottodomini di cui all'indirizzo (di seguito indicato come il Sito), sono di proprietà esclusiva di Teatro del Lemming, con sede in Sede Legale e Operativa: c/o Teatro Studio viale Oroboni - 45100 Rovigo - Italia (P.I. 00857380299 - C.F. 93004620295), di seguito denominata Teatro del Lemming.
Il Sito non è aggiornato con cadenza periodica e regolare, e pertanto non deve essere registrato come prodotto editoriale secondo la legge 47 del 1948.
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Nelle presenti Condizioni Generali di Servizio sono contenuti i termini e le condizioni che regolano l'utilizzo dei servizi offerti da Teatro del Lemming. Accettando tali condizioni durante il processo di registrazione al Sito, e utilizzando il Sito stesso, l'Utente conviene esplicitamente di rispettare le Condizioni del Sito.
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Per l'iscrizione al sito è consentito l'uso di nomi di persone od aziende oltre a nickname prodotti di fantasia, purché l'Utente abbia le autorizzazioni per l'uso del nome o del dominio e con tale uso non violi alcuna delle legge vigenti in materia di proprietà intellettuale. L'Utente iscrivendosi al Sito si impegna a manlevare Teatro del Lemming da ogni responsabilità, nei confronti di qualsiasi soggetto, derivante da un uso di nomi di persona, nomi a dominio o marchi aziendali, non conforme alle leggi vigenti.
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Salvo che sia diversamente indicato, il Sito, la sua grafica, e tutti i testi, le immagini, i marchi, i loghi e quanto contenuto nel Sito è di proprietà di Teatro del Lemming, e tutti i diritti sono riservati.
Teatro del Lemming, teatrodellemming
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Conseguentemente, l'Utente si impegna a manlevare e tenere indenne Teatro del Lemming da ogni e qualsivoglia pretesa, danno, pregiudizio, costo o spesa (inclusi anche i costi per l'assistenza legale nonché quelli conseguenti ad eventuali provvedimenti giudiziali emessi nei confronti del Sito in cui dovesse incorrere a seguito della violazione da parte dell'Utente di cui al presente paragrafo.
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The Actor
What remains when everything perish is the essence of the things as they are.
When there isn't a place to came back turn to the face in front of you,
look upon the world.
James Hillman, The Thought of the Heart and the Soul of the World
The experimental theatre implies an original and personal work on the art of the actor. For us, this work denies the egoic and narcissistic dimension that often reduce the actor as a guitto che si pavoneggia per un ora sulla scena e di cui poi non si sa più nulla, rather is a work that makes the actor, also in its etymological meaning, a guide - he who lead the spectator to that elsewhere that has always been the place of the theatre.
Experimental theatre is all that theatre pursuing:
- the autonomy of scenic language from a written play;
- the redefinition of the scenic space;
- the reformulation of the role and the gaze of the spectator;
- an original pedagogy of the actor;
- a link that connects the actors to the project of the company;
- a process and working times that permits to practice a real research.
CALL FOR ENTRIES •residences for experimental theatre 2016
past projects:
be@home – 7 artistic residencies for experimental theatre
7 artistic residencies found through a call open for local, national and international artists. It is the Lemming's way to house, plan and record the work processes of any theatrical experimentation. The project is supported by Cassa di risparmio of Padova and Rovigo Foundation.
Il testimone che passa
A three years process to strengthened Lemming's organization structure.
Sogno dentro sogno
Sogno dentro sogno is an original Opera composed by Massimo Munaro. The making process involved some scholars from the Conservatory of Rovigo and Castelfranco (PD) and some actor students.
Theatre of Lemming was born in Rovigo in 1987.
The first year of activity bring out the group as one of the emergent realities of the new Italian scene.
In 1990 the group recieves the Totola Prize for the best direction with La città chiusa, the director Gianfranco De Bosio acts as chairman of the jury. In 1996 the group win the Giuseppe Bartolucci Prize from a jury presided by the reviewer Franco Quadri.
At the end of 90’s , the Lemming realizes a Teatralogy on the myth and spectator, formed by the works: EDIPO-sense’s tragedy for one spectator (1997), DIONISO-theatre tragedy (1998), AMORE EPSICHE-a tale for two spectators (1999), ODISSEO-
travel in theatre and, as post-faction to this project, A COLONO-wishing ritual for only one spectator (2001), L’ODISSEA DEI BAMBINI-travel in theatre for 20 children of all ages (2003).
These works represent a development, that take the group into a fresh and exiting characterized by direct, sensorial and dramaturgic involvement of spectators.
The absolute innovation of radical and physical relation and the unusual use of theatre space, point out Lemming theatre as a sole reality in the Italian theatre background. To these work were given hospitality by the most important Italian festivals (Santarcangelo, Volterra, Armunia, Polverigi, Drosdera, Crisalide,ecc.) and theatre (Teatro Valle and Quirino in Rome, Teatro dell’arte and Franco Parenti in Milan, Gobetti in Turin, Teatro della Tosse in Genova, ecc.) In 2000 Lemming is called in Marsiglia at the Italo-France days promoted by ETI and ONDA as represented of Italian theatre.
In 2001 Franco Vazzoler , teacher of theatral Italian literature at Genova University, and Marco Berisso write a monograph titled Teatro del Lemming, published by edition Zona, Genova.
In that years there are a lot of reviews on the group: from the first page of LA STAMPA, to LA REPUBBLICA, IL CORRIERE DELLA SERA, IL SOLE 24 ORE, IL MESSAGGERO, IL TEMPO, IL MATTINO, ecc, and also Radio1, Radio2, Radio3; articles about Lemming are presented also in magazines as L’ESPRESSO, PANORAMA, VIAGGI or D DI REPUBBLICA, ROLLING STONES, ecc.
In 2006m Lemming, after four years of hard work, finished a spectacle on Dante’s Divina Commedia, that the group called NEKYIA-sea journey by night. Hell, Purgatory, Paradise. On October 2011 the first part of Nekyia, HELL, was performed at the Festival Internacional de Teatro de Ourense (FITO).
This project represent a theatral practice’s synthesis, the only one in Italy, except for a big number of imitators, that placed the spectators in the centre of a physical and sensorial involvement that gives him strongest emotional upsetting.
At the same time, with this work is opened a new research stage that is going to think the relation between actors and spectators, not more for the single spectator, but in direction of a ramow community. These new research has produced on 2009 the work Antigone, that has debut at the Biennale of Venice.
In 2010, Teatro del Lemming debuts with its last production, Amleto, first part of a Shakespeare's trilogy. Amleto is a reflection over the relation between the individual (Hamlet) and power (the danish court).
In 2011 Teatro del Lemming was kept busy by the pedagogic- spectacular project “L'Edipo dei Mille” realized in collaboration with University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Foundation of Venice and Comune of Venice.
2013 is the year of two new productions: Juliet and Romeo - Letters from the liquid world, the second chapter of the ongoing shakesperean trilogy, and Sogno dentro Sogno, an original Opera composed by Massimo Munaro.
Lemming Theatre is a pedagogic theater, as all the big twentieth-century theater from Artaud to Brecht and over. A theater who reflects on himself. An actor’s and spectator’s pedagogy at the same time. And just from this pedagogic dimension derives the choice of a show for a few(...). “Who is the audience?” asked Savinio; and answered “Is everybody and nobody”. The theatral pedagogy of this experience (...)aims to the abolition of this anonymity. (...) In this there is no intention of an avant-gardistic provocation or elitism. (...) At the end, infact, spectators’ and actors’ roles aren’t denied, but, on the contrary, they are the centre of this dramaturgy: costantly under discussion, maybe on crisis, but never confused. So, what is assert, it’s first of all the dramaturgic rigour. Provocation is in things; is just the typical custom of passivity in theaters that gives a sense of provocation at this theater, which is, in his characteristic relation beetween actors and spectators, a theatre of disponibility, of width and of confrontation.
Franco Vazzoler, teacher of History of Italian theatral history at Genova University, in Teatro del Lemming Editor Zona, Genova, 2001
The actor isn't an ham who strats on the stage and of whom then nobody remember anything (W.S.), but is a guide: the one who is able to lead the spectator in the beyond of theatre.
To be a guide, the actor has to improve his skills of LISTENING – ADAPTATION – DIALOGUE..
The work of Lemming's actors develops these three principles simultaneously in four directions: toward himself, toward his partners, in the space, toward the spectator.
The main instrument of this research is body. The sense/the senses of the body.
In this type of theatrical work, the body isn't a prothesis of the mind, but is fullness, is something naked that permits the nakedness of the aim and the truth of the encounter with other aims and other bodies.
For us the five senses of the actor are an appeal at fullness of life and a way to reach the beyond of theatre and the creative skills of the actor.
Relating with himself, with his partners, with the space and with the spectator, the actor has tu naked himself radically, has to research deeply the listening and the attention toward himself and the others.
We believe that artistic residence are the right way to house, plan and record the work process of any theatrical experimentation.
Every experimentation on theatrical languages, to fully works and lives, needs broaden times and spaces compared to those offered by the theatrical establishment. Often the traditional hosting model avoid the creation of a fertile bundle between the opera and the hosting territories. We need to find new operational models, new ways to house the theatrical experimentation. Here it is the artistic residencies model, which allows an artist, or a group, to reside in a territory to fully disclose the artistic work and to support the exchange with the hosting community.
The program Vicenza sept - dec 2015 / AB23.
In the 2015 our project was be@home
In the 2014 be@lemming
Welcome Project is born in 2014 in Berlin by an idea of Chiara Rossini. Its name is due to her personal experience as emigrated, but also to a particular idea of theatre: Theatre is another world, governed by others rules, a space where not ordinary things can happen. Nevertheless the idea of the Project was also inspired by a movie: Welcome is a film of Philip
Loiret. It tells the story of a clandestine that tries to overpass the English Channel by swimming because he wants to join his lover.
Welcome project will join together a group of actors and dancers who coming from all over Europe and lives in Berlin. The first productive project will be Intime Fremde. The performance, entirely produced by Teatro del Lemming, will debut in 2015.
see the project website
THE 5 SENSES OF THE ACTOR - theatre class
To be a guide, the actor has to improve his skills of LISTENING / ADAPTATION 7 DIALOGUE. The work of Lemming's actors develops these three principle simultaneously in four directions: towards himself, towards his partners, in the space, towards the spectator. The main instrument of this research is the body. The sense/the senses of the body.
In this type of theatrical work, the body isn't a prothesis of the mind, but is fullness, it is something naked that permits the nakedness of the aim and the truth of the encounter with other aims and other bodies.
For us the five senses of the actor are an invocation to the fullness of life and a way to reach the beyond of theatre and the creative skills of the actor.
The class is open to a maximum of 23 participants.
Starting on 25th February: Wednesdays 6 - 9pm at TATWERK Berlin, Gewerbehof Hasenheide 9 - 10967 Berlin
REGISTRATIONS: please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
An immersion in the 5 senses method from 16th to 18th April at TATWERK Berlin space. The workshop will be too a space of reflection and a research about the next productive project INTIME FREMDE.
RAGISTRATIONS AND INFO: please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ODISSEO Travel in theatre
from 24th to 26th April, Theater Forum Kreuzber.