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teatro - poesia - cinema - musica


Rovigo, sabato 12 novembre 2005
Spazio Lemming
PER ECUBA | Amleto, neutro plurale
Con Roberto Latini, Musiche Gianluca Misiti, Regia Roberto Latini
Rovigo, domenica 20 novembre 2005
Spazio Lemming
Con Francesco Acquaviva, Regia Simone Capula
Rovigo, dal 22 al 26 novembre 2005
Spazio Lemming
Rovigo, sabato 26 novembre 2005
Spazio Lemming
Rovigo, domenica 11 dicembre 2005
Spazio Lemming
Con Sabine Uitz, Eleonora Bovo, regia Norberto Presta
Rovigo, domenica 18 dicembre 2005
Spazio Lemming
play concert (in forma di studio) tratto da la morte di Anton Webern di Gert Jonke
di e con Pierangela Allegro (voce e scrittura) Michele Sambin (suono e immagine)


teatro - poesia - cinema - musica


Rovigo, giovedì 25 marzo 2004
Spazio Lemming
NON splendore rock
testi e voce Mariangela Gualtieri
Rovigo, giovedì 15 aprile 2004
Spazio Lemming
Rovigo, giovedì 22 aprile 2004
Spazio Lemming
L'inferno dei Ragazzi
Rovigo, sabato 24 e domenica 25 aprile 2004
Spazio Lemming
INFERNO - fino a diciasette
Rovigo, giovedì 29 aprile 2004
Teatro Studio
Uovo di Bocca
lettura drammatica



Chiostro degli Olivetani - Rovigo, Domenica 6 giugno 2004
Tredici all'infinito 
poeti/compositori/artisti teatrali e figurativi
sui tredici canti (XVIII - XXX) delle Malebolge di Dante Alighieri
in collaborazione con Conservatorio Venezze di ROvigo e Associazione per la poesia Il Ponte del Sale
dalle ore 15.00 alle 17.30, Sala Flumina
Canto XVIII: Antonio Turolo
Luca Mosca  voce recitante, chitarra, arpa, tastiera elettronica e pianoforte
Canto XIX: Alba Donati
Giorgio Pressato  violino, pianoforte, tre percussioni, intervento di nastro (CD) 
Canto XX: Rosaria Lo Russo
Patrizia Montanaro  flauto, violino, violoncello e percussioni
Canto XXI: Franco Loi
Paolo Troncon Trio di Saxofoni e Contrabbasso 
Canto XXII: Umberto Fiori
Marino Baratello  Pianoforte
ore 18.30, Chiostro degli Olivetani
Canto XXIII: Davide Rondoni
Gabriella Zen  soprano, mezzo soprano, flauto, clarinetto, clarinetto basso, tuba, percussioni
Canto XXIV: Riccardo Held
RIccardo Piacentini  flauto, violino, con foto-suono
Canto XXV: Giacomo Trinci
Paolo Furlani  saxofono contralto, tenore e baritono
Norberto Presta / Vie rosse (incursione teatrale)
La Festa
Canto XXVI: Alberto CAppi
Massimo Contiero  violino, viola e violoncello
Roberto / Latini / Fortebraccio Teatro (istallazione teatrale) - sala del Chiostro
Canto XXVII: Paolo Valesio
Davide Tiso  elettronica dal vivo
Canto XXVIII: Pier Luigi Cappello
Bianca Maria Furgeri  flauto, corno, tromba, trombone, percussioni, pianoforte e coro a quattro voci
Teatro Laltro (stallazione teatrale) - sala del Chiostro
Canto XXIX: Claudio Lolli
Claudio Ambrosini  pianoforte a quattro mani, percussione, arpa
Michele Sambini /Tam Teatro Musica (incursione teatrale)
Canto XXX: Edoardo Sanguineti
Aurelio Zarrelli  flauto, sax contralto, violoncello, painoforte e supporto digitale (a cura di Guido De Gaetano)
Opere figurative del Liceo artistico di Rovigo: Mirella Boso, Fernando Ferraresso, Laura Gioso, Lunia Marchetti e allievi
Ensamble strumentale del Conservatorio di Rovigo
Lettori di Dante Teatro del Lemming
Rovigo, Sapzio Lemming dal 1 al 5 giugno 2004
i trentaquattro canti
Inferno-Purgatorio trascrizione dell'autore per due pianoforti
Duo pianistico: Anna MAria Zanetti - David Vicentini
Gruppo vocale da camera del Conservatorio "Venezze" - direttore Giorgio Mazzuccato 
voce recitante: Stefano Patarino



Rovigo, Lunedì 14 aprile 2003
Spazio Lemming
Sud Costa Occidentale 
Rovigo, Giovedì 24 aprile 2003
Spazio Lemming
Mai Morti
Rovigo, Domenica 11 Maggio 2003
Spazio Lemming
L'inferno dei Ragazzi
Rovigo, Giovedì 15 maggio 2003
Spazio Lemming


LA BELLA SCOLA - Inferno canti VIII - XVII

Rovigo, 1 Marzo 2003
Teatro Studio, ore 10.30
Canto VIII 
Rovigo, 7 Marzo 2003
Spazio Lemming, ore 10.30
Canto IX 
Violoncello Luca Paccagnella 
Castelmassa, 14 Marzo 2003
Istituto D'Arte, ore 15.00
Canto X 
Badia Polesine, 12 Marzo 2003
Auditorium Liceo Scientifico, ore 10.30
Canto XI
Adria, 29 Marzo 2003
Tearro Ferrini, ore 10.30
Canto XII
Adria, 5 Aprile 2003
Tearro Ferrini, ore 10.30
Canto XIII
Chitarra Luciano Chilemi
Rovigo, 12 Aprile 2003
Spazio Lemming, ore 10.30
Canto XIV
Flauto Daniele Ruggeri 
Porto Viro, 3 Maggio 2003
Sala Eracle, ore 10.30
Canto xv
Rovigo, 10 Maggio 2003
Palazzo Venezze, ore 10.30
Canto XVI
Violoncello Luca pacagnella  Pianoforte Carlo De Pirro 
Rovigo, 17 Maggio 2003
Teatro Studio, ore 10.30
Canto XVII
Soprano Gabriella Munari  Violoncello Luca Pacagnella 


Polesine, Febbraio/Aprile 2002


Rovigo, Venerdì 22 Febbraio 2002
Sala Consigliare della Provincia, ore 17.30
Gianfranco Maretti
lettura e commento 1° Canto dell'Inferno
Rovigo, Giovedì 28 Febbraio 2002
Spazio Lemming,ore 21.00
Alda Merini
lettura e commento 2° Canto dell'Inferno
Rovigo, Venerdì 1 Marzo 2002
Spazio Lemming,ore 21.00
Ascanio Celestini
monologo teatrale
Pezzoli - Ceregnano, Giovedì 7 marzo 2002
Teatro 99, ore 21.00
Luciano Caniato
lettura e commento 3° Canto dell'Inferno
Rovigo, Giovedì 14 Marzo 2002
Spazio Lemming,ore 21.00
Teatro di Pianura
regia Mariangela Dosi
Rovigo, Sabato 6 aprile 2002
Teatro Studio, ore 21.00
Adria, Mercoledì 10 aprile 2002
Teatro Ferrini, ore 21.00
Anna Maria Farabbi
lettura e commento 5° Canto dell'Inferno
Rovigo, Giovedì 11 aprile 2002
Spazio Lemming, ore 21.00
Luigi Bressan
lettura e commento 6° Canto dell'Inferno
Rovigo, Giovedì 18 aprile 2002
Sala Consiliare della Provincia, ore 18.00
Gian Mario Villalta
lettura e commento 5° Canto dell'Inferno
Rovigo, Sala Lemming 19/21 6 aprile 2002
diretto da Danio Manfredini
Rovigo, lunedì 22 aprile 2002
Teatro Studio, ore 21.00
Danio Manfredini

Additional Info

  • Data 2020

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  • Data 2016

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  • Data 2015

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  • Data 2014

Condizioni generali di servizio

Siti, domini e sottodomini di cui all'indirizzo http://teatrodellemming.it/ (di seguito indicato come il Sito), sono di proprietà esclusiva di Teatro del Lemming, con sede in Sede Legale e Operativa: c/o Teatro Studio viale Oroboni - 45100 Rovigo - Italia (P.I. 00857380299 - C.F. 93004620295), di seguito denominata Teatro del Lemming.

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Salvo che sia diversamente indicato, il Sito, la sua grafica, e tutti i testi, le immagini, i marchi, i loghi e quanto contenuto nel Sito è di proprietà di Teatro del Lemming, e tutti i diritti sono riservati.
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Conseguentemente, l'Utente si impegna a manlevare e tenere indenne Teatro del Lemming da ogni e qualsivoglia pretesa, danno, pregiudizio, costo o spesa (inclusi anche i costi per l'assistenza legale nonché quelli conseguenti ad eventuali provvedimenti giudiziali emessi nei confronti del Sito in cui dovesse incorrere a seguito della violazione da parte dell'Utente di cui al presente paragrafo.

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The Actor

What remains when everything perish is the essence of the things as they are.
When there isn't a place to came back turn to the face in front of you,
look upon the world.

James Hillman, The Thought of the Heart and the Soul of the World


The experimental theatre implies an original and personal work on the art of the actor. For us, this work denies the egoic and narcissistic dimension that often reduce the actor as a guitto che si pavoneggia per un ora sulla scena e di cui poi non si sa più nulla, rather is a work that makes the actor, also in its etymological meaning, a guide - he who lead the spectator to that elsewhere that has always been the place of the theatre.


Experimental theatre is all that theatre pursuing:

- the autonomy of scenic language from a written play;
- the redefinition of the scenic space;
- the reformulation of the role and the gaze of the spectator;
- an original pedagogy of the actor;
- a link that connects the actors to the project of the company;
- a process and working times that permits to practice a real research.


Theatre of Lemming was born in Rovigo in 1987.

The first year of activity bring out the group as one of the emergent realities of the new Italian scene.

In 1990 the group recieves the Totola Prize for the best direction with La città chiusa, the director Gianfranco De Bosio acts as chairman of the jury. In 1996 the group win the Giuseppe Bartolucci Prize from a jury presided by the reviewer Franco Quadri.

At the end of 90’s , the Lemming realizes a Teatralogy on the myth and spectator, formed by the works: EDIPO-sense’s tragedy for one spectator (1997), DIONISO-theatre tragedy (1998), AMORE EPSICHE-a tale for two spectators (1999), ODISSEO-

travel in theatre and, as post-faction to this project, A COLONO-wishing ritual for only one spectator (2001), L’ODISSEA DEI BAMBINI-travel in theatre for 20 children of all ages (2003).

These works represent a development, that take the group into a fresh and exiting characterized by direct, sensorial and dramaturgic involvement of spectators.

The absolute innovation of radical and physical relation and the unusual use of theatre space, point out Lemming theatre as a sole reality in the Italian theatre background. To these work were given hospitality by the most important Italian festivals (Santarcangelo, Volterra, Armunia, Polverigi, Drosdera, Crisalide,ecc.) and theatre (Teatro Valle and Quirino in Rome, Teatro dell’arte and Franco Parenti in Milan, Gobetti in Turin, Teatro della Tosse in Genova, ecc.) In 2000 Lemming is called in Marsiglia at the Italo-France days promoted by ETI and ONDA as represented of Italian theatre.

In 2001 Franco Vazzoler , teacher of theatral Italian literature at Genova University, and Marco Berisso write a monograph titled Teatro del Lemming, published by edition Zona, Genova.

In that years there are a lot of reviews on the group: from the first page of LA STAMPA, to LA REPUBBLICA, IL CORRIERE DELLA SERA, IL SOLE 24 ORE, IL MESSAGGERO, IL TEMPO, IL MATTINO, ecc, and also Radio1, Radio2, Radio3; articles about Lemming are presented also in magazines as L’ESPRESSO, PANORAMA, VIAGGI or D DI REPUBBLICA, ROLLING STONES, ecc.

In 2006m Lemming, after four years of hard work, finished a spectacle on Dante’s Divina Commedia, that the group called NEKYIA-sea journey by night. Hell, Purgatory, Paradise. On October 2011 the first part of Nekyia, HELL, was performed at the Festival Internacional de Teatro de Ourense (FITO).

This project represent a theatral practice’s synthesis, the only one in Italy, except for a big number of imitators, that placed the spectators in the centre of a physical and sensorial involvement that gives him strongest emotional upsetting.

At the same time, with this work is opened a new research stage that is going to think the relation between actors and spectators, not more for the single spectator, but in direction of a ramow community. These new research has produced on 2009 the work Antigone, that has debut at the Biennale of Venice.

In 2010, Teatro del Lemming debuts with its last production, Amleto, first part of a Shakespeare's trilogy. Amleto is a reflection over the relation between the individual (Hamlet) and power (the danish court).

In 2011 Teatro del Lemming was kept busy by the pedagogic- spectacular project “L'Edipo dei Mille” realized in collaboration with University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Foundation of Venice and Comune of Venice.

2013 is the year of two new productions: Juliet and Romeo - Letters from the liquid world, the second chapter of the ongoing shakesperean trilogy, and Sogno dentro Sogno, an original Opera composed by Massimo Munaro.

Lemming Theatre is a pedagogic theater, as all the big twentieth-century theater from Artaud to Brecht and over. A theater who reflects on himself. An actor’s and spectator’s pedagogy at the same time. And just from this pedagogic dimension derives the choice of a show for a few(...). “Who is the audience?” asked Savinio; and answered “Is everybody and nobody”. The theatral pedagogy of this experience (...)aims to the abolition of this anonymity. (...) In this there is no intention of an avant-gardistic provocation or elitism. (...) At the end, infact, spectators’ and actors’ roles aren’t denied, but, on the contrary, they are the centre of this dramaturgy: costantly under discussion, maybe on crisis, but never confused. So, what is assert, it’s first of all the dramaturgic rigour. Provocation is in things; is just the typical custom of passivity in theaters that gives a sense of provocation at this theater, which is, in his characteristic relation beetween actors and spectators, a theatre of disponibility, of width and of confrontation.

Franco Vazzoler, teacher of History of Italian theatral history at Genova University, in Teatro del Lemming Editor Zona, Genova, 2001


The methodology studied and applied by Lemming's Theatre considers the body, in the fullness of its five senses, became the door of soul and dream. The body consequently is the main tool of the actor.

If soul, the Aristotelian psyche, could not exist without a living body, the senses are the gateway to an imaginal and archetype universe. These universe is the essential tool for the actor to achieve the creation and the identification. Trough the senses it is possible to join a paramount source of inspiration, named the ancestral soul of the world by James Hillman.



The spectator's theater is an unedited perspective in contemporary theater.
It is characterized by:
1. an intimate and personal experience for the audience;
2. a relation between the personal subjectivity and the myth universal models;
3. a deep emotional experience dedicated to the singular spectator or small groups of audience: an audience direct participation in the event is, for these reason, implied;
4. a space to habit and to lose in;
5. a relation constructed trough the body of the actor and the spectator both: the experience is although strongly sensitive – not only sight and hearing but also sense of smell taste and touch. All the five senses together reacting to create a dramaturgy of senses.
6. an aesthetic and sensuous universe allowed to be explored by the audience.

The Theatre of the Spectator is a theatre that:
1. is a deeply emotional experience for the audience;
2. is not a simple representation but became the personal experience of an event: I don't attend something but I live it;
3. is not dedicated for a shapeless crowd (the audience) but it is dedicate to every singular participant;
4. is able to redefine the role actor/spectator through their direct relation that became the experience focus;
5. considers the audience no more a nineteenth-century voyeuristic spectator, given that, nowadays, the paradigm of our citizen condition is similar to inert powerless spectators;
6. challenges the passivity of the audience that became the actor of the event: he often is the leading actor;
7. makes the theatrical event a unique, personal and irreplicable experience for every singular participant;
8. builds small rituals because it relies on the ritual, sacred and cognitive sense that is fundamental in the theatrical experience also;
9. gets back to a native theatrical practice able to induce people to became citizens of the world;
10. defines the actor's work like a gift of love towards the spectator, whit all the challenge, the mutual bare and the structural risk that these involves;
11. is able to redefine the use of the theatrical space, the performance is no more forward, but it looms me, it is in me and I live in it like in a universe in which I fall;
12. is able to redefine the time of the experience: it starts when the spectator book his participation and it broaden before the end trough the inevitable processing.

for 30 spectators
24, 25, 26 April, Theater Forum Kreuzberg

Nach “Oedipus. Tragödie der Sinne für eine Zuschauer” zeigt die italienische Theatergruppe Teatro del Lemming eine weitere Produktion in Berlin, die für 33 Zuschauer konzipiert ist.

Die Zuschauer werder Protagonisten auf der grenzenlosen Reise des Odysseus. Sie treffen auf Unvorhersehbares – auf Eros, Monster, Erinnerungen, Gewalt und Tod.   

Die Abenteuer folgen keiner linearen Geschichte, sie ereignen sich simultan wie im Traum.

Das Meer und auch das Theater haben kein Zentrum, sie hinterlassen keine Spuren. Aber das Theater, das sich in ein Meer verwandelt, wird zum Ort, an dem wir unsere Geister treffen und wo wir unser Itaca, unser Heimatland erobern können. Dorthin kehren wir zurück, dort sind wir immer wieder anders und doch gleich.

Das teatro del Lemming ist eine bekannte italienische Theatergruppe, die 1987 in Rovigo, Italien gegründet wurde. Das Ensemble hat ein experimentelles Theater kreiert, das die dramaturgische und sensorielle Mitwirkung der Zuschauer in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Ein physisches Theater, das man mit seinen fünf Sinnen erleben Kann.


After presenting “Oedipus.Tragedy of senses for one spectator”, Teatro del Lemming is bringing in Berlin its “Odysseus. Travel in Theatre”.

In this performance the direct relation between actors and spectators is taken to a larger audience. Here we have 33 spectators that taken together are a single identity, the Odysseus’ one, which, as the group of spectators, is multiform. Spectators become protagonists of a story that reminds the unexhausted Odysseus’s travel towards Itaca, but that’s also the flash of the unexpected, the encounter with Eros, with the monstrosity, the memory, the nostalgia, the violence, the death.   

Odysseus' body is wounded, but his wound has became a  scar.

Odysseus' journey is circular and implies a departure and an homecoming: from Ithaca to Ithaca.

In Lemming’s performance the journey doesn’t develop in a linear way, but synchronically: everything happens at the same time. Like in a dream. The Sea, as Theatre, hasn't got a “centre”; and the Sea, as Theatre, leaves no trace. But Theatre, as Odysseus' sea, is the only place where we can meet our ghosts and where we can conquer our Ithaca: the home where we can always come back different but still the same.

Odysseus. Travel in Theatre

by Nathalie Frank, EXBERLINER

"If you want to sit in your chair and passively watch a performance, don’t go! Since the 1980s, Italian avant-garde Teatro del Lemming has been exploring sensorial theatre, where spectators are totally involved, touched, shaken, invaded with smells, presented with decisions to make... Last month, they brought their Oedipus piece for one spectator to Berlin, an experience we’re still digesting. At Odysseus you won’t be alone, but with 32 others, travelling a circular journey from Ithaca to Ithaca, where everything happens at the same time, like in a dream. A not-to-miss total theatrical experience! "

The show is for thirty-three spectators at time (3 repeats a day).

Duration of each performance: 45  minutes


The reservation is compulsory  http://www.tfk-berlin.de/



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Working process

Whatever is opposed is reconciled and from different things are born the most beautiful harmony, and all things are generated by a contrasting way.
Eraclito, Dell’origine


Ricerca teatrale può dirsi possibile solo a partire dalla creazione di un processo, che a sua volta può darsi solo a partire dalla disponibilità di adeguati tempi di lavoro.



Per ricerca teatrale si intende quel teatro che persegue:

- l'autonomia del linguaggio scenico dal testo teatrale;
- la ridefinizione dello spazio scenico;
- la riformulazione della presenza e dello sguardo dello spettatore;
- una pedagogia originale sull'attore;
- un legame che unisce gli attori al progetto del gruppo;
- un processo e tempi di lavoro che consentano una reale ricerca.

The group

I rebel - therefore we exist
Albert Camus, The rebel

Experimental theatre entails a link that connects the actors to the project of the group. 
Indeed, each actor is involved and becomes responsible of the theatrical work, that he contributes to achieve on the stage.


Experimental theatre is all that theatre pursuing:

- the autonomy of scenic language from a written play;
- the redefinition of the scenic space;
- the reformulation of the role and the gaze of the spectator;
- an original pedagogy of the actor;
- a link that connects the actors to the project of the company;
- a process and working times that permits to practice a real research.

the spectator

The spectator does not hold himself aloof at a distance of aesthetic consciousness enjoying the art of representation, but in the communion of being present
Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method


We believe that experimental theatre must lead to the reformulation of the spectator's role and gaze. Instead of a one-dimensional vision, created for the featureless mass of the audience, experimental theatre fosters the perception of each participating spectator, taking account of the diversity and multiplicity of their points of view.

Experimental theatre is all that theatre pursuing:

- the autonomy of scenic language from a written play;
- the redefinition of the scenic space;
- the reformulation of the role and the gaze of the spectator;
- an original pedagogy of the actor;
- a link that connects the actors to the project of the company;
- a process and working times that permits to practice a real research.

Scenic space

It is in order to attack the spectator's sensibility on all sides that we advocate a revolving spectacle which, instead of making the stage and auditorium two closed worlds, spreads its visual and sonorous outbursts over the entire mass of the spectators.
Antonin Artaud, Theatre of cruelty


We believe that experimental theatre must achieve a real research on scenic space. Scenic space couldn't be considered merely a place restricted to the actors and detached from the audience, but a metamorphic and mightily immersive place.
We produce and house working processes that rethink and devise anew the enchanting space of theatre.


Experimental theatre is all that theatre pursuing:

- the autonomy of scenic language from a written play;
- the redefinition of the scenic space;
- the reformulation of the role and the gaze of the spectator;
- an original pedagogy of the actor;
- a link that connects the actors to the project of the company;
- a process and working times that permits to practice a real research.

Teatro del Lemming was born in Rovigo in 1987.

The first year of activity bring out the group as one of the emergent realities of the new Italian scene.

In 1990 the group recieves the Totola Prize for the best direction with La città chiusa, the director Gianfranco De Bosio acts as chairman of the jury. In 1996 the group win the Giuseppe Bartolucci Prize from a jury presided by the reviewer Franco Quadri.

At the end of 90’s , the Lemming realizes a Teatralogy on the myth and spectator, formed by the works: EDIPO-sense’s tragedy for one spectator (1997), DIONISO-theatre tragedy (1998), AMORE EPSICHE-a tale for two spectators (1999), ODISSEO-travel in theatre and, as post-faction to this project, A COLONO-wishing ritual for only one spectator (2001), L’ODISSEA DEI BAMBINI-travel in theatre for 20 children of all ages (2003).

These works represent a development, that take the group into a fresh and exiting characterized by direct, sensorial and dramaturgic involvement of spectators.

The absolute innovation of radical and physical relation and the unusual use of theatre space, point out Lemming theatre as a sole reality in the Italian theatre background. To these work were given hospitality by the most important Italian festivals (Santarcangelo, Volterra, Armunia, Polverigi, Drosdera, Crisalide,ecc.) and theatre (Teatro Valle and Quirino in Rome, Teatro dell’arte and Franco Parenti in Milan, Gobetti in Turin, Teatro della Tosse in Genova, ecc.) In 2000 Lemming is called in Marsiglia at the Italo-France days promoted by ETI and ONDA as represented of Italian theatre.

In 2001 Franco Vazzoler , teacher of theatral Italian literature at Genova University, and Marco Berisso write a monograph titled Teatro del Lemming, published by edition Zona, Genova.

In that years there are a lot of reviews on the group: from the first page of LA STAMPA, to LA REPUBBLICA, IL CORRIERE DELLA SERA, IL SOLE 24 ORE, IL MESSAGGERO, IL TEMPO, IL MATTINO, ecc, and also Radio1, Radio2, Radio3; articles about Lemming are presented also in magazines as L’ESPRESSO, PANORAMA, VIAGGI or D DI REPUBBLICA, ROLLING STONES, ecc.

In 2006 Lemming, after four years of hard work, finished a spectacle on Dante’s Divina Commedia, that the group called NEKYIA-sea journey by night. Hell, Purgatory, Paradise. On October 2011 the first part of Nekyia, HELL, was performed at the Festival Internacional de Teatro de Ourense (FITO).

This project represent a theatrical practice’s synthesis, the only one in Italy, except for a big number of imitators, that placed the spectators in the centre of a physical and sensorial involvement that gives him strongest emotional upsetting.

At the same time, with this work is opened a new research stage that is going to think the relation between actors and spectators, not more for the single spectator, but in direction of a ramow community. This new research has produced on 2009 the work Antigone, that has debut at the Biennale of Venice.

In 2010, Teatro del Lemming debuts with the production AMLETO, first part of a Shakespeare's trilogy. Amleto is a reflection over the relation between the individual (Hamlet) and power (the danish court). Amleto has beeing selected to partecipate to the Gdansk Shakespeare Festival in summer 2012 and to the Sarajevo Winter Festival on February 2013 (winner of the award as best theatrical production).

In 2011 Teatro del Lemming was kept busy by the pedagogic- spectacular project “L'Edipo dei Mille” realized in collaboration with University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Foundation of Venice and Comune of Venice.

In 2013 Teatro del Lemming has realized two different productions: Sogno dentro sogno, an original chamber opera for 7 instruments, 4 voices and 7 actors; and Juliet and Romeo. Letters from the liquid world, second part of a Shakespeare Trilogy, where Romeo and Juliet's myth takes place in the background of Bauman's liquid society.

"Lemming Theatre is a pedagogic theater, as all the big twentieth-century theater from Artaud to Brecht and over. A theater who reflects on himself. An actor’s and spectator’s pedagogy at the same time. And just from this pedagogic dimension derives the choice of a show for a few(...). “Who is the audience?” asked Savinio; and answered “Is everybody and nobody”. The theatral pedagogy of this experience (...)aims to the abolition of this anonymity. (...) In this there is no intention of an avant-gardistic provocation or elitism. (...) At the end, infact, spectators’ and actors’ roles aren’t denied, but, on the contrary, they are the centre of this dramaturgy: costantly under discussion, maybe on crisis, but never confused. So, what is assert, it’s first of all the dramaturgic rigour. Provocation is in things; is just the typical custom of passivity in theaters that gives a sense of provocation at this theater, which is, in his characteristic relation beetween actors and spectators, a theatre of disponibility, of width and of confrontation." 

Franco Vazzoler, teacher of History of Italian theatral history at Genova University, in Teatro del Lemming Editor Zona, Genova, 2001



Senza nome 1

In continuità con L'EDIPO DEI MILLE, NEL SEGNO DI DIONISO si caratterizza come un progetto che è insieme una straordinaria occasione pedagogica e uno straordinario evento artistico, portando dei giovani allievi a realizzare lo spettacolo del Teatro del Lemming DIONISO E PENTEO – Tragedia del Teatro per 10 giorni consecutivi tra Venezia e Mestre.
DIONISO E PENTEO – Tragedia del Teatro è uno degli spettacoli-manifesto del Teatro del Lemming, seconda tappa della Tetralogia sul Mito e lo Spettatore, in cui gli spettatori vengono coinvolti drammaturgicamente e sensorialmente all'interno dell'evento scenico. Si tratta di un lavoro per sette spettatori per volta che ri-vivono sul loro corpo le tappe della relazione tragica, riportata nelle BACCANTI da Euripide, che lega Dioniso, per i Greci il dio del teatro, a Penteo, prototipo dello spettatore moderno.

Teatro Momo (Mestre) dal 10 al 14 maggio
Sala del Camino (Giudecca) dal 21 al 25 maggio
ORARI: 17.30 -18.10 - 19.30 - 20.10 - 20.45 - 21.15


Info e prenotazioni:
cell. 327 3952110
mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
GAT 041 9636808


Siamo felici di annunciare che

AMLETO del Teatro del Lemming
ha vinto il Premio come miglior spettacolo teatrale
al Sarajevo Winter Festival!!!!

We would like to inform you that the professional jury of the 29th International Festival Sarajevo Winter 2013 has awarded you with Sarajevo Winter's Silver Snowflake (Srebrena Pahuljica).
This award will be presented on the 8th of February 2014 in Sarajevo.

Prizes will be awarded at the opening ceremony of the jubilee XXX Festival "Sarajevo Winter " of 2014. under the motto "Peace Art Festival of Freedom" (PAFF) .




visita anche edipodeimille.wordpress.com

 guarda il nuovo video LEMMING SOGNO DENTRO SOGNO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lwy-L4Y_nY


DONA il  5x1000 all'Associazione Teatro del Lemming!

Aderire è semplicissimo: basta firmare nel riquadro "Sostegno delle organizzazioni non lucrative di utilità sociale e delle fondazioni" e indicare il codice fiscale 93004620295 del Teatro del Lemming  nell'apposito spazio. Passaparola! La cultura è un invito da estendere a tutti!


interpreti Thierry Parmentier
Pia Russo, Fiorella Tommasini, Cristina Finato, Antonia Bertagnon, Patrizia Baratto, Giuliana Perin, Anna Coin, Angela Tosatto, Paola Nalin, Sofia Nicoli, Silvia Buson, Giorgia Baratella, Elena Chines, Anna Verza, Rosanna Lazzari, Michelina Di Gaetano, Sabrina Tommasini,
voce narrante Antonia Bertagnon
riprese e montaggio Roberto Domeneghetti, Martino Ferrari e Massimo Munaro
musiche e regìa Massimo Munaro

Con Antonia Bertagnon, Cristiano Cattin, Fedrica Bernardinello, Francesco Piva, Franco Cecchetto, Marco Farinella, Marzia Callegarin, Marcello Ferrari, Simonetta Rovere, Marco Farinella, Nadia Poletti, Nicola Quadrelli, Paola Buoso, Roberto Ragazzoni, Vilma Sigolo
Riprese Roberto Domeneghetti e Martino Ferrari
Montaggio Roberto Domeneghetti e Martino Ferrari
Musiche Massimo Munaro
Regìa Martino Ferrari

Con Antonia Bertagnon, Luigi Marangoni, Fiorella Tommasini, Barbara Chinaglia, Simonetta Rovere, Marco Farinella, Nicola Poli e attori del Laboratorio del Teatro del Lemming
riprese Otello Galasso e Roberto Domeneghetti
montaggio Giorgio Sarti
aiuto regìa Roberto Domeneghetti
musica e regìa Massimo Munaro


INFERNO - Canti I - IX (2003)
Antonia Bertagnon, Luca Brinchi, Marco Cantori, Franco Cecchetto, Salvo Lo Presti, Elena Manfredi, Veronica Mulotti, Fiorella Tommasini, Roberta Zanardo
Musica e Regia Massimo Munaro


AMLETO (2010)
con Chiara Elisa Rossini, Diana Ferrantini, Fiorella Tommasini, Katia Raguso, Federica Festa, Mario Previato, Alessio Papa, Andrea Dellai, Boris Ventura, Giovanni Refosco e ZOE pesce
riprese Alessandro Gasperotto, Simone Pizzardo e Ludovico Guglielmo
musica e regia Massimo Munaro

con Alessio Papa, Alessandro Sanmartin, Andrea Zanforlin, Boris Ventura, Diana Ferrantini, Maria Grazia Bardascino, Marina Carluccio, Katia Raguso
voce Alessandro Sanmartin e Massimo Munaro
musica Max Richter
riprese Anna Casazza, Chiara Elisa Rossini
su parole di William Shakespeare, Nadia Fusini, Massimo Munaro
montaggio e regia Massimo Munaro



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